I. Definition

The author defines the problem, prepares and designs the research, gathers and interprets data, proposes results and draws conclusions. The author is also the one who has written and revised the content of the article. Authors should follow the guidelines listed below.


II. Editorial openness, acceptance of guidelines and policies

Estado & comunes guarantees impartiality towards authors regardless of their institutional affiliation. Anyone interested in applying declares that he/she agrees with the editorial policies and will send his/her contribution according to the requested format (pre-evaluation) and within the deadline established by the calls for papers.


III. Submitting an article

People interested in publishing should submit their articles using the journal’s Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform http://revistas.iaen.edu.ec/, alternatively collaborators may send documents to estado.comunes@iaen.edu.ec


IV. Format for the presentation of articles

     * Size: A 4 (21,0 x 29,7 mm)

     * Margins: 2,4 cm (superior); 2,4 cm (inferior); 2,4 cm (left) y 2,4 cm (right)

     * Font: Times New Roman, 12

     * Line spacing: 1,5 y justified

     * Indentation: 1,25 cm, no spaces between paragraphs

      * Page number: bottom of the page and centered.

     * Tables, maps y graphs: Visual components to be sent in Excel, PNG o Illustrator format.


V. Guidelines for the reception of articles

     * Articles that comply with the theme of the call for papers and editorial policies will be labelled “received”, and the author will receive a notification. Rejected articles will sent back.

     * Languages: articles are published in Spanish. If editors consider for publication an article in a language other than Spanish, the translation is the author’s responsibility.

      * Articles should include abstracts (Spanish and English) of no more than 200 words and a maximum of 8 keywords describing the topics covered in the article.

      * The title will have a maximum of 15 words and may be modified by the editors, subject to prior agreement with the authors.

     * Identification and affiliation: articles must include the author’s full name, and institutional affiliation (including position, name of the institution, country, e-mail and ORCID).


VI. Extension of each section



Tema central

6000 - 8000


5000 - 7000


1500 - 2000


VII. On the originality of the articles

Editors will assess an article originality with Compilation antiplagiarism software. The maximum percentage of similitude with other sources is 10 %, which excludes non-significant common terms. The anti-plagiarism system will generate a report sent to the author who introduces changes, corrections, or references the bibliographic sources correctly. The author can still make changes if similarities are between 11 and 20 per cent; editors reject the article if the percentage of similarities is equal to or exceeds 21%.

Editors may consider articles from translations or papers presented at scientific events if they comply with editorial policies. Credits and the original source must be referenced. Estado & comunes may publish articles that derive, partially or totally, from undergraduate, master, or doctoral theses. In these cases, the articles must be edited as different products, comply with editorial policies, cite the sources in a footnote and certify that there is no copyright infringement with the university where the author obtained his or her degree.


VIII. On declarations and authorisations

     * The article must have no legal or contractual limitation nor be subject to review in another journal or book. The author is responsible for the contents, statements, or omissions in his or her article and frees Estado & comunes from any responsibility.

     * When reviewers recommend the publication of an article, authors send a letter of authorisation for publication, which confirms that the article is their own, is unpublished and is not currently under review in any other journal or book.

     * If the reviewers recommend publication of the article, authors (if they do not have one) should get an Orcid

      * If the article received external funding, the authors must add the credit on a footnote on the first page.


IX. Bibliographic references

     * The bibliography consists of a set of bibliographic references presented at the end of an academic paper, which are arranged alphabetically by author.

     * The bibliographic reference is the description of a document according to its main components such as the author’s last name, year of publication, title, publisher, etc. These components must be ordered following specific rules according to the citation style. State and Commons Journal will use the American Psychological Association (APA), so if additional information is required, the author may refer to the APA Publication Manual (sixth edition in English, third Spanish edition).


- Short quotations

     * Quotes of less than forty words must appear in quotation marks and include the author, year, and the page marked with a p followed by a period or two pp if it indicates more than one page.

- The relevance of the laws and the best way to elaborate them is problematic because “where there is private property and where everything is measured by money, it will hardly be possible for public affairs to be administrated with justice” (Moro, 2010, p. 105).

- When discussing the concept of autocritas, he writes that “it refers to a relatively broad legal phenomenology that contains both private and public law” and later points out that the author confers “legal validity to the act of a subject who by himself it cannot produce a valid legal act” (Agamben, 2010, pp. 111, 112).


- Long quotations (more than forty words)

-If a quotation contains more than forty words (that is approximately four lines), it must be placed in a separate block from the text, with a 1.5 cm left margin, without quotation marks, single spaced, and with 11-point font size.


Table 1. Example of citations with one, two or more authors

Type of works

In-Text Citation

First citation at the end of a sentence

Subsequent citations in the text

One author

Chomsky (2007).

(Chomsky, 2007).

Two authors

Antón and García (2015).

(Antón and García, 2015).

Three to five authors

Barry, Kay, Martínez and North (2014).

(Barry, Kay, Martínez and North, 2014).

(Barry et al., 2014).


Table 2. Example of citations from legal documents 

Type of document

First short quotation

Subsequent quotation

Subsequent quotation with additional information


(Presidencia de la República del Ecuador [PRE], 2018).

(PRE, 2018).

(PRE, 2018, Decreto Ejecutivo No. 376).


(Defensoría del Pueblo Ecuador [DPE], 2015).

(DPE, 2015).

(DPE, 2015, Resolución No. 58-DPE-CGAJ-2015).


Table 3. Examples of citations from legal documents: constitution, laws, and regulations

Type of document

In-Text Citation

First citation at the end of a sentence

Subsequent citations in the text


Constitución de la República del Ecuador (CRE, 2008).

(Constitución de la República del Ecuador [CRE], 2008).

(CRE, 2008).


Código Orgánico Integral Penal (COIP, 2014).

(Código Orgánico Integral Penal [COIP], 2014).

(COIP, 2014).


Ley Orgánica Integral para la Prevención y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres (Ley de la Violencia contra las Mujeres, 2018).

(Ley Orgánica Integral para la Prevención y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres [Ley de la Violencia contra las Mujeres], 2018).

(Ley de la Violencia contra las Mujeres, 2018).


- Illustrations

-Illustrations (tables, graphs, photographs) must contain, at the top, the number; and, at the bottom, the source of it.


X. Bibliographic list

     * The bibliographic citations list will be included at the end, in alphabetical order, with French indentation, and 1.5 interlinear space. In order to facilitate the location of the referenced works by the author in the academic text, it is necessary that all citations include the following elements: last name and initial`s name of the author or authors, year of publication, title of the work, edition, number or volume (if applicable), place of publication and publisher. To facilitate location, if acronyms were used in the text, it is recommended to use the same acronym in the bibliographic entry.


- Works by a single author

Author´s Last name, Initial(s). (year of publication). Title of the work. Place of publication: Editorial.

Moro, T. (2010). Utopía. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.


- Works by two authors 

Author´s Last name, Initial(s). and Author´s Last name, Initial(s). (year of publication). Title of the work (edition). Place of publication: Editorial.

Antón, J. and García, F. (2015). Vigilando el Racismo. Cuatro casos de observación comunitaria al derecho a la no discriminación en comunidades indígenas y afroecuatorianas. Quito: Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales.


- Works by editor(s), coordinator(s) or compiler(s) as author

Author´s Last name, Initial(s)., Author´s Last name, Initial(s)., Author´s Last name, Initial(s). and Author´s Last name. Initial(s). (Eds., Coords. or Comps) (year of publication). Title of the work (edition). Place of publication: Editorial.

Álvarez, C., Cuesta, M., Jiménez, G. (Comps.). (2016). Las políticas de control de armas de fuego, partes y municiones en Ecuador 2007-2014 (1.ª ed.). Quito: Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales.


- Newspaper Article 

Author´s Last name, Initial(s). (day, month, year of publication). “Article title”. Newspaper Title. Page range p. xx-xx.

Meursault, A. (6 de noviembre de 2019). “Cinco siglos con Tomás Moro”. El Comercio, p. 6.


- Journal article 

Author´s Last name, Initial(s). (month, year). Title of the article. Title of the journal, volumen number (issue number): pp. xx-xx.

Pontón, D. (julio de 2016). Perspectivas y dilemas para una comprensión económica del delito organizado transnacional. Estado & Comunes: Revista de política y problemas públicos, 2(3): 115-134.


- Theses 

Author´s Last name, Initial(s). (year of publication). Title of dissertation/thesis (doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis). Name of Institution Awarding the Degree, city.

Fernández, S. (2013). La construcción moderna de los maestros y de la infancia en el Ecuador ¿1925-1948?: “la cuestión social”, la “escuela activa” y las nuevas ciencias humanas (tesis doctoral). Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito.


- E-book citation  

Author´s Last name, Initial(s). (year of publication). Title of the e-book. City: editorial. Retrieved from (URL).

Sousa Santos de, B. (2003). La caída del Ángelus Novus: Ensayos para una nueva teoría social y una nueva práctica política. Bogotá: Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos. Retrieved from http://www.boaventuradesousasantos.pt/-mediaILSA.pdf.


- Judgment  

Name of the Institution as an authort or [acronym, if possible] (day, month and year). Number of the Judgment. Supplemental information.

Corte Constitucional del Ecuador [CCE] (28 de enero de 2015). Sentencia No. 019-15-SEP-CC. Caso No. 2068-11-EP.


- Constitution 

Constitution of + Name of the Country [acronym, if possible] (year of publication). Constitution. Name of the Institution as an author. Supplemental information.

Constitución de la República del Ecuador [CRE] (2008). Constitución de la República del Ecuador. Asamblea Nacional. Registro Oficial 449.