Issue n. ° 19 (Jul-Dec 2024): Scenarios of territorial governance
Received articles: twenty-eight (28)
* Arbitral articles: fifteen (15)
* Published articles: ten (10)
Rejection percentage: 64,28 %
* Acceptance percentage: 35,71 %
Total, Peer Reviewers: thirty-four (34)
* Domestic Peer Reviewers: four (4)
* International Peer Reviewers: thirty (30)
Total, Authors: nineteen (19)
* Domestic Authors: two (2)
* International Authors: seventeen (17)
Issue n. ° 18 (Jan-Jun 2024): Security in Latin America: challenges and threats
Received articles: twenty-eight (28)
* Arbitral articles: fourteen (14)
* Published articles: nine (7)
Rejection percentage: 67,86 %
* Acceptance percentage: 32,14 %
Total, Peer Reviewers: thirty-four (34)
* Domestic Peer Reviewers: seven (7)
* International Peer Reviewers: twenty-seven (27)
Total, Authors: fifteen (15)
* Domestic Authors: four (4)
* International Authors: eleven (11)
Issue n. ° 17 (Jul-Dec 2023): Quality of democracy: political regime, government and rights
Received articles: sixteen (16)
* Arbitral articles: eleven (11)
* Published articles: seven (7)
Rejection percentage: 56,25 %
* Acceptance percentage: 43,75 %
Total, Peer Reviewers: twenty-five (25)
* Domestic Peer Reviewers: five (5)
* International Peer Reviewers: twenty (20)
Total, Authors: nine (9)
* Domestic Authors: three (3)
* International Authors: six (6)
Issue n. ° 16 (Jan-Jun 2023): Climate change: public policies and climate action in Latin America
Received articles: fifteen (15)
* Arbitral articles: eleven (11)
* Published articles: eight (8)
Rejection percentage: 66,6 %
* Acceptance percentage: 33,3 %
Total, Peer Reviewers: twenty-eight (28)
* Domestic Peer Reviewers: twelve (12)
* International Peer Reviewers: sixteen (16)
Total, Authors: twelve (12)
* Domestic Authors: seven (7)
* International Authors: five (5)
Issue n. ° 15 (Jul-Dec 2022): Technologies in social public policies in Latin America
Received articles: twenty-one (21)
* Arbitral articles: twelve (12)
* Published articles: seven (7)
Rejection percentage: 66,6 %
* Acceptance percentage: 33,3 %
Total, Peer Reviewers: twenty-nine (29)
* Domestic Peer Reviewers: nine (9)
* International Peer Reviewers: twenty (20)
Total, Authors: fourteen (14)
* Domestic Authors: nine (9)
* International Authors: five (5)
Issue n. ° 14 (Jan-Jun 2022): Transformation of the State and challenges for the Administrative Function
Received articles: twenty-five (25)
* Arbitral articles: nine (16)
* Published articles: sixteen (10)
Rejection percentage: 60,0 %
* Acceptance percentage: 40,0 %
Total, Peer Reviewers: thirty-six (36)
* Domestic Peer Reviewers: eleven (11)
* International Peer Reviewers: twenty-five (25)
Total, Authors: fifteen (15)
* Domestic Authors: seven (7)
* International Authors: eight (8)
Issue n. ° 13 (Jul-Dec 2021): Government and Public Administration in Latin America and the Caribbean: postcovid-19 scenarios and challenges
Received articles: sixteen (16)
* Arbitral articles: nine (9)
* Published articles: six (6)
Rejection percentage: 62,5 %
* Acceptance percentage: 37,5 %
Total, Peer Reviewers: twenty-four (24)
* Domestic Peer Reviewers: fitteen (15)
* International Peer Reviewers: nine (9)
Total, Authors: nine (9)
* Domestic Authors: five (5)
* International Authors: four (4)
Issue n. ° 12 (Jan-Jun 2021): Democracy and political culture in Latin America
Received articles: fourteen (14)
* Arbitral articles: nine (9)
* Published articles: five (5)
Rejection percentage: 64,28 %
* Acceptance percentage: 35,72 %
Total, Peer Reviewers: twenty-one (21)
* Domestic Peer Reviewers: six (6)
* International Peer Reviewers: fifteen (15)
Total, Authors: seven (7)
* Domestic Authors: five (5)
* International Authors: two (2)
Issue n. ° 11 (Jul-Dec 2020): Multicultural State Reforms and Public Policies for Ethnic-Racial Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbeany
Received articles: thirteen (13)
* Published articles: nine (9)
Rejection percentage: 30,76 %
* Acceptance percentage: 69,24 %
Total, Peer Reviewers: twenty-six (26)
* Domestic Peer Reviewers: ten (10)
* International Peer Reviewers: sixteen (16)
Total, Authors: nine (9)
* Domestic Authors: five (5)
* International Authors: four (4)
Issue n.° 10 (Jan-Jun 2020). Latin America: political transformations and uncertainties
Rejection rate: 66,66 %
Published articles: 7
Issue n.° 9 (Jul-Dec 2019). América Latina en el siglo XXI: ¿El viejo o nuevo orden de la geopolítica mundial? / Latin America in the XXI century: the old or new order around geopolitics worldwide?
Rejection rate: 18,20 %
Published articles: 18
Issue n.° 8 (Jan-Jun 2019). Género y derechos humanos en América Latina y el Caribe / Gender and human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean
Rejection rate: 36,0 %
Published articles: 11
Issue n.° 7 (Jul-Dec 2018). Política industrial y cambio estructural en América Latina / Industrial policy and structural change in Latin America
Rejection rate: 40,0 %
Published articles: 9
Issue n.° 6 (Jan-Jun 2018). (Des)estructuración de los regímenes de bienestar en América Latina: ¿desaceleración económica o cambio de ciclo político? / (De)structuring of welfare regimes in Latin America: economic slowdown or change in the political cycle?
Rejection rate: 27,3 %
Published articles: 8
Issue n.° 5 (Jul-Dec 2017). Políticas públicas para el manejo de recursos naturales en América Latina / Public policies for natural resources management in Latin America
Rejection rate: 33,3 %
Published articles: 8
Issue n.° 4 (Jan-Jun 2017). América Latina: crisis económica y recomposición de la integración regional / Latin America: economic crisis and recomposition of regional integration
Rejection rate: 31,25 %
Published articles: 11
Issue n.° 3 (Jul-Dec 2016). Jaque al Estado: intersecciones entre violencia, seguridad y Estado / Stalemate on the State: intersections between violence, security and the State
Rejection rate: 50,0 %
Published articles: 7
Issue n.° 2 (Jan-Jun 2016). Discusiones en torno al Estado constitucional / Discussions about the constitutional state
Rejection rate: 27,3 %
Published articles: 8